School Values Ambassadors
Our Values Ambassadors are made up of Year 6 children who have been tasked with promoting our school Values. Their role will involve: tallying the Value Merits from the classrooms and adding them to the whole school total; participating in Values assemblies; handing out Values awards and sharing examples of excellent citizens in our school. The Values Ambassadors will also contribute to our weekly 'East Ward Values' newsletter, which will celebrate and promote our Values and have a half termly whole-school focus. This newsletter will be shared with all classes every Friday.
Each class has their own set of Value Merits that are given out by teachers and staff when children are displaying one of our Values. Every class focuses on one Value each week by linking it to learning and behaviour. For example: 'This week we are challenging ourselves to use semi-colons in our writing.' Value Merits help to consistently raise our expectations with our behaviour and learning across school.