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East Ward Community Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Willow Street, Bury, BL9 7QZ

0161 764 6065



The East Ward Community Primary School Governing Body is responsible for the school and meet each term. You are welcome to attend as a non-voting member.

If you have any issues for discussion or views that you would like to make known please contact Mrs Mort or the Parent Governors. Similarly, if you have a complaint Mrs Mort or the governors will be happy to discuss any items big or small. If the concern remains unresolved there is a formal complaints procedures available to you.


The Governors/Trustees of Vision Multi-Academy Trust believe it is important that Governing Boards/Trust Boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse Boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people. Vision MAT has a diverse Board and a wide range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. At the present time, we do not publish this diversity data online, as individual Governors/Trustees could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.


East Ward Community Primary School - Reconstituted Governing Body 

Chair of Governors- Mr R. A. Walthall

Headteacher- Mrs K.Mort

Parent Governors- Mrs H. Golding, Miss J. Walmsley, Mr S.Amin

Staff Governor- Miss L.Jarvis

Co-opted Governors-  Mrs W.Beedie, Ms B.Pennington, Mr J.Slater, Ms S. Ruddock

Full Name Date of Appointment Term in office Role Business or Pecuniary interests Governance Role in other Schools Associate or Full Membership Voting Rights Attendance 2023 - 2024
Mr Richard Walthall 16-Oct-23 4 years Chair Safeguarding link governor   None Declared  Stansfield Hall C of E Primary School Full Yes 1 out of 3

Mrs Kathryn Mort

05-Sep-22 4 years Headteacher None Declared  Bridgewater School Full Yes 1 out of 3
Miss Laura Jarvis 05-Sep-22 4 years Deputy Head / Staff Governor  None Declared  None  Full Yes 0 out of 3
Mrs W.Beedie 05-Sep-22 4 years Teaching & Learning Governor  None Declared  None  Full Yes 1 out of 3
Mr Jordan Slater 08-Jan-24 4 years Health & Safety Governor  Company Directorship:  FJ HOLDCO LTD None  Full Yes 1 out of 3

Ms B.Pennington

05-Sep-22 4 years SEND Link Governor  None Declared  None  Full Yes 0 out of 3
Ms Susan Ruddock  26-Jan-23 4 years Community Governor  Friend of Hazelwood High School. None  Full Yes 1 out of 3
Mrs Hannah Golding  26-Jan-23 4 years Attendance & Parent Governor Works at Spring Lane School None  Full Yes 1 out of 3
Miss Jade Walmsley



4 years

Early Years & Parent Governor

None Declared  None  Full  Yes 

 1 out of 3

Mr Sajid Amin


4 years 

 Health & Wellbeing & Parental Governor

 None Declared 




 1 out of 3