The East Ward Community Primary School Governing Body is responsible for the school and meet each term. You are welcome to attend as a non-voting member.
If you have any issues for discussion or views that you would like to make known please contact Mrs Mort or the Parent Governors. Similarly, if you have a complaint Mrs Mort or the governors will be happy to discuss any items big or small. If the concern remains unresolved there is a formal complaints procedures available to you.
The Governors/Trustees of Vision Multi-Academy Trust believe it is important that Governing Boards/Trust Boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse Boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people. Vision MAT has a diverse Board and a wide range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. At the present time, we do not publish this diversity data online, as individual Governors/Trustees could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.
East Ward Community Primary School - Reconstituted Governing Body
Chair of Governors- Mr R. A. Walthall
Headteacher- Mrs K.Mort
Parent Governors- Mrs H. Golding, Miss J. Walmsley, Mr S.Amin
Staff Governor- Miss L.Jarvis
Co-opted Governors- Mrs W.Beedie, Ms B.Pennington, Mr J.Slater, Ms S. Ruddock
Full Name | Date of Appointment | Term in office | Role | Business or Pecuniary interests | Governance Role in other Schools | Associate or Full Membership | Voting Rights | Attendance 2024 - 2025 |
Mr Richard Walthall | 16-Oct-23 | 4 years | Chair Safeguarding Link Governor | None Declared | Stansfield Hall C of E Primary School | Full | Yes | 2 out of 3 |
Mrs Kathryn Mort |
05-Sep-22 | 4 years | Headteacher | None Declared | Bridgewater School | Full | Yes | 2 out of 3 |
Miss Laura Jarvis | 05-Sep-22 | 4 years | Deputy Head / Staff Governor | None Declared | None | Full | Yes | 1 out of 3 |
Mrs Wendy Beedie |
05-Sep-22 | 4 years | Teaching & Learning Governor | None Declared | None | Full | Yes | 2 out of 3 |
Mr Jordan Slater | 08-Jan-24 | 4 years | Health & Safety Governor | Company Directorship: FJ HOLDCO LTD | None | Full | Yes | 1 out of 3 |
Ms Belinda Pennington |
05-Sep-22 | 4 years | SEND Link Governor | None Declared | None | Full | Yes | 2 out of 3 |
Ms Susan Ruddock | 26-Jan-23 | 4 years | Community Governor | Friend of Hazelwood High School. | None | Full | Yes | 2 out of 3 |
Mrs Hannah Golding | 26-Jan-23 | 4 years | Health/Wellbeing & Parental Governor | Works at Spring Lane School | None | Full | Yes | 2 out of 3 |
Miss Jade Walmsley |
4 years |
Early Years & Parental Governor |
None Declared | None | Full | Yes |
2 out of 3 |
Mr Sajid Amin |
08-Dec-23 |
4 years |
Attendance & Parental Governor |
None Declared |
None |
Full |
Yes |
2 out of 3 |