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East Ward Community Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Aims and Values


East Ward Community Primary School is an inclusive school which provides high quality teaching and learning in a safe, secure and stimulating environment. We pride ourselves on being a nurturing school. Our children benefit from an ethos and atmosphere that builds upon their skills and talents and values every member of our school. We are very proud of the pupils that attend our school and celebrate the diversity we have in our school community. 

We are a school where staff and pupils enjoy mutual respect and trust, and where strong foundations are laid for our children’s future education and adult life.

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Our Aims:
At East Ward we aim to make a fairer society.
  • A society where everyone can reach the top of the mountain, because all of us understand that achieving ambitions includes learning from mistakes.
  • A society where everyone has the skills and knowledge to open any door, because we all break down the barriers to opportunity.
  • A society where everyone improves the world we live in, because all of us seek creative solutions to the issues we face together.
To do this, we will create the best school.
  • A school where every child embraces learning as a demanding lifelong journey, because all of us show them how to be happy, challenged, successful and proud in their growth.
  • A school where every child feels proud of who they are and their own uniqueness because all of us celebrate difference.
  • A school where every child leaves the gate with fond memories, a creative outlook and a sense of excitement for the road ahead, because all of us have put them at the centre of everything we do.
  • A school where exceptional education is delivered every day.